Zoning Dictionary
Letter: P
Packing and Bailing Site
Land, buildings or parts of buildings where the treatment of waste by its compression into blocks or bales and binding or sheathing the blocks with wire metal, plastic or other material is conducted.
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Paper Products Factory
A factory for the manufacture or processing of paper boxes, bags, drinking cups, excelsior, corrugated paper products or other paper products, including building paper, asphaltic composition roofing and saturated paper but does not include a rag mill, paper mill, pulp mill or shoddy mill.
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A lot or contiguous group of lots in single ownership or under single control and usually considered a unit for purposes of development. A lot, block or other area in which land is held or into which land is subdivided, but does not include a highway.
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A factory for the manufacture or processing of paper boxes, bags, drinking cups, excelsior, corrugated paper products or other paper products, including building paper, asphaltic composition roofing and saturated paper but does not include a rag mill, paper mill, pulp mill or shoddy mill.
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An area consisting largely of open space, which may include a recreational area, play ground, playfield or similar use but shall not include a mobile home park, a campground or trailer park. An area permanently devoted to recreational uses and generally characterized by its natural, historic or landscaped features, and used for both passive and […]
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Park Model Trailer
A recreational unit that conforms to the appropriate Series of Standards for Park Model Trailers at the time of manufacture.
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